The sensation of tinnitus is a subjective sensation through which noise is heard in the ears. It is called a subjective sensation because it is aurally limited to the sufferer and cannot be monitored or determined by various tests. The noise is similar to the roar of waves, the sound of crickets, or the release of pressurized vapor. Or something like a whistle.
This tinnitus can appear continuously, or intermittently, and the feeling of noise may appear in both ears, or one of them, or in the head.
The sense of noise increases when the surroundings are calm, and disappears when the surroundings are noisy, and the middle ear is the source of the noise even if it is heard in the head, as this relates to the work of the outer hair cells.
On the other hand, there is what is called objective tinnitus, which is characterized by a tone that the examining doctor can hear.
The audible noise is estimated to be a few dB above the auditory limit and generally appears at high frequencies, and when exposure to noise is the cause of tinnitus, it is often associated with hearing impairment.
In the greater part of the cases, the daily noise covers the feeling of the buzzing, and does not constitute an obstacle to the normal course of life, while the suffering is severe in a small part of the cases and is accompanied by strong psychological effects.
Tinnitus symptoms
There are many symptoms of tinnitus, which appear as follows:
1. General symptoms of tinnitus
Tinnitus is often described as ringing in the ears even though there is no external sound. However, tinnitus can cause other types of phantom noises in the ear including:
* Hissing.
2. Symptoms that require a visit to the doctor
There are some symptoms that accompany tinnitus and require a visit to the doctor, and they are as follows:
* Dizziness and dizziness.
* Depression and anxiety.
Causes of tinnitus
The causes of tinnitus vary with its type, as follows:
Causes of subjective tinnitus
There are many causes that lead to tinnitus, which are as follows:
The most common cause of tinnitus is exposure to very high levels of noise.
A defect in the inner ear, such as: Ménière's disease.
Diseases of the middle ear, such as: Otosclerosis.
Waxy secretion in the outer ear can cause a sensation of ringing.
*hearing loss.
Causes of objective tinnitus
If the tinnitus matches the heart rate, or appears in the form of frequent beats, the cause may be calcification of the blood vessel wall and atherosclerosis in the vicinity of the ear, or the presence of tumors with many blood vessels, or aneurysm in the blood vessels.
Another reason for this tinnitus is the contraction of the jaw muscles.
risk factors
Among the main factors that increase the risk of developing tinnitus are:
Exposure to noise: such as working in factories, or listening to loud music.
Age: With age, the chance of hearing loss and tinnitus increases.
Gender: Men are more likely to have tinnitus than women.
Smoking and drinking alcohol: Smoking and drinking alcohol increase the risk of developing tinnitus.
Some health conditions: such as: obesity, high blood pressure, arthritis, and a head injury.
Complications of tinnitus
The most common complications of tinnitus are:
* Problems sleeping.
* Concentration disturbances.
* Memory problems.
* Anxiety.
* Headache.
*problems at work.
Diagnosis of tinnitus
Tinnitus is diagnosed by the following tests:
1. Hearing test
During the test, the patient will sit in a soundproof room wearing headphones that transmit certain sounds in one ear at a time, and he will indicate when he hears the sound, and his results will be compared with those that are considered normal for his age.
This can help rule out or identify possible causes of tinnitus.
2. Motion test
The doctor may ask the patient to move the eyes, apply pressure on the jaw, or move the neck, arms and legs.
If your tinnitus changes or gets worse, it may help identify the underlying disorder that needs treatment.
3. Imaging examinations
Ear diagnosis may require imaging tests, such as:
* Computed tomography scan.
* Magnetic resonance imaging.
4. Blood tests
A blood sample may be taken to look for certain health problems, such as:
* Thyroid problems.
* Heart disease.
Deficiency in some types of vitamins.
Tinnitus treatment
The sensation of tinnitus cannot be completely prevented and the goal of treatment is often to reduce tinnitus to a manageable level.
There is a wide range of medications that can affect the degree of tinnitus, and most of the medications are sedatives that have a total effect with other treatments including biofeedback, or the installation of masks.
A masker is a small device similar to a hearing device that provides a background of low noise to mask the internal noise. During treatment, this device is placed on the cartilage of the ear for several hours a day.
The cause can also be treated as follows:
Earwax removal: Removing excess earwax may help get rid of tinnitus.
*Treatment of vascular disorders: this is by using medications or surgical procedures.
*Hearing aids: Hearing aids may be useful in treating tinnitus caused by hearing impairment.
Changing medications: Changing some medications that cause tinnitus as a side effect may help with tinnitus.
Prevention of tinnitus
Tinnitus can be prevented using the following methods:
*Using shields to protect from noise: Protectors are used to protect against loud noise in workplaces, for example.
Reduce the volume of music: Lowering the volume of the music being heard helps prevent tinnitus.
Maintaining heart health: This is done by playing sports, eating healthy food, controlling high blood pressure, and losing weight. overload.
Reducing alcohol consumption and quitting smoking: Smoking and drinking alcohol increase the chances of developing tinnitus.