Childbirth is a joyful and unforgettable experience, and the physical and psychological effort that accompanies childbirth usually continues during the first days of childbirth, in addition to the feelings that accompany childbirth itself. There may be a change in mood, usually reflected in crying, anxiety, excessive emotion, and others.
This phenomenon is known as postpartum depression, and it usually appears in most women in the period between the fourth and tenth days of childbirth. It is important to know that postpartum depression can reappear in the next pregnancy in 50% - 100% of cases. Women are also more likely to suffer from depression unrelated to childbirth.
Groups most vulnerable to postpartum depression
*Women under 20 years of age who do not receive regular medical treatment.
*Women who have more than 6 children.
*Women who did not receive sufficient support from their parents during adolescence.
Symptoms of postpartum depression:
Symptoms of postpartum depression appear during the first three months after childbirth. This depression is similar in its symptoms and features to other cases of depression that are not related to pregnancy and childbirth. Symptoms of this problem include the following:
* Decreased mood.
*Disorders in appetite and sleep.
*Excessive emotions.
*Fatigue and lethargy.
*Lack of self-esteem and feelings of guilt.
*Difficulties concentrating and making decisions.
*Drop in mood.
* Emotional disturbances.
*Negative thoughts towards the newborn.
*Suicidal thoughts in severe cases.
Causes and risk factors of postpartum depression:
The symptoms of this type of depression are associated with a noticeable decrease in hormone levels in the body, and there are some factors that can be considered as one of the causes of depression, including the following:
*Anxiety and stress.
*Previous depression.
*Changes in mood.
It is important to know that there is no relationship between postpartum depression and educational or cultural level, the sex of the baby, breastfeeding, method of delivery, and whether the pregnancy was planned or not.
Complications of postpartum depression
Postpartum depression may cause many diseases, such as the following:
*Postpartum psychosis.
*Manic Depressive Psychosis.
Diagnosis of postpartum depression:
The diagnosis of this condition is based on having a conversation with the woman and clarifying her feelings about herself and the newborn. The medical team uses a questionnaire to collect information and find out many things that indicate the following:
*Thoughts about self-harm.
*Inability to enjoy daily activities.
*Feeling upset.
*Disorder in daily functioning at home.
*Difficulty communicating with people and the surrounding environment.
Treatment of postpartum depression:
Postpartum depression is treated with various psychiatric medications, where the medication is chosen according to side effects and whether the mother is breastfeeding or not. Therefore, a specialist doctor must be consulted to determine the appropriate treatment for the patient’s condition